Sunday, May 24, 2009

Planning while waiting waiting for my fren because both us wanna go to the library after this...

this is my planning rite after the xm finish...
the xm will finish on Tuesday( yezzzaa )

Wednesday :: packing all stuffs (put in the storage and bring back to malaysia)

Thursday :: attending the leadership course ( leader to be..insyallah)

Friday :: send all those packing stuff to the storage.and jumaa' prayer!!!

Saturday :: going up to portobello, Harrods, china town, arsenal, Chelsea buy malaysian souvenir.insyallah kalau duit cukup laa....

Sunday:: move to a new house..just a week house until Thursday

Monday :: going up to birmingham ( cadbury factory )and must go place over there

tuesday :: liverpool stadium...old tereport stadium (Manchester united)

wednesday :: going back to surrey

thursday :: last minute packing...throw away unwanted stuff

friday:: heathrow airport... this is what im waiting for..

sabtu:: tetibe bahasa melayu plak...maklumla..dah ade kat malaysia..heheh.


kite yang merancang..tuhan menentukan....

come on aliff radzuan..u can do it for the fluid...
forget the previous paper..learn from the mistakes...
crap crap crap.... A For Fluid After THis!!!


nice thing to mention..

i got the highest mark for fluid mechanics final test.....

highest in the my level.....
its like momentum for me to work harder than before..

fluid wasnt so hard if u can spend at least 7 hours a day just to understand 2 pages of note....

wasting time...shit..

Saturday, May 23, 2009

the last one

one more paper to go that is fluid mechanics..
hopefully this time will be better than before..
and at least i can get average mark that allows me to proceed to MEng..
hopefully...that is the target...
if not..just go back home and turn to a new leaf.....

wargh!!! stress when i saw few friends wrapped up their stuffs...but for me..its no started yet..have to focus to the coming exam first....

oh yeah..before that..after this xm finish....i still have one day leadership course...
what a boring day has to face....but it is compulsory to all mechanical, civil, chemical, biomedical student.... but thank is only for one day because the electronic student went it for 2days....

oh ok....will go the the library after this...
7 hours in the library from morning..and will continue after dinner...

wish me luck..
thanx everyone..
cant wait to meet all of u in malaysia....

chow sin...

23 may 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009


7 maY oredi!!
yeah mate & luv..
it is my birthday..
wish for the best this time..
hopefully to get flying colors for this exam..
to bring it back to be proud of...

yeah!! happy birthday to me again..
with no cake and celebration...dont mind at all..because this is what happen every year..yeah!!...

thanx for the wish mama....and fellow friends tru Facebook..
much appreciated...


aku ade test pada hari kelahiran ku..
selamat open book test and multiple for sleep....tido2....

tido bermimpikan referee kayu!!! ref sengal..ref kayu..ref daun..ref akar....
sigh!!! macam mana laa chelsea bleh kalah..
last minute plak tu....huh!!!!

focus2...xm dulu ok...

3.05 am...7 may 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


im thinking of changing my camera to the higher level..insyallah kalau diizinkan tuhan....

my previous camera that was d60 has to be changed...and now thinking of canon 500D...
basically..i was aiming for nikon d90 where most of my friends are very happy and recommend it to me...but....u know that the not so new model launched by nikon is damn expensive..
cost me about 800 pound of full set.....and it is about rm4100 in malaysia...

i dont have so much money of this....and old friend from TIKl recommend me canon 500d...
when i see the camera was so impressive..with 15MP..and Full HD recording..

mmm..thinking of change to canon.... target now is to let go my d60..hopefully someone able to take it from me..

the LOVeLy d60 To let go includes::
1) d60 body with standard lens 18-55mm VR
2) 3rd party battery grip
3) extra rechargeable batter
4) Crumpler XL Camera Bag...

just using it for about 5 month (6 may 2009) and has been upgraded to 2 years bout 1 and a half year left for the warranty...still long time to go...better grab this oppurtunity..

itu jer setakat yg aku ingat..well..
if u need extra information..just text me to +44 7522518455 or mail me at atau ker

tlg sebarkan kepada sesiapa yang berminat..heheh


terlupa plak aku ade blog..

sebab tu lama tak update...

now is time known as the examination month..
so everybody is busy preparing for their paper...
mine..just only finished one paper that was mathematics...
where was the most difficult subject of the semester..

luckily....i done the paper with all the confident...
hope to get the good result....flying colors probably....

gambar pun dah lama tak upload.. mana ade gambar sangat..asik menangkap gambar org aje..hahahah